Phaluhm Phoueck Wikia
Flag of Kota Kambular

Kota Kambular is a island and state of Phaluhm Phoueck. The capital of it is Kota Kambular, and it has 70,793 inhabitants.


Flag of Kota Kambular (1780-1979)

Flag of Kota Kambular (1780-1979)

Kota Kambular quickly allied with the British following the invasion of 1762, allowing them to attack their northern rivals in Mahazam along with a contingent of 60 soldiers of HM Marines, taking a significant amount of land before a truce was agreed to and Mahazam joined the British. Khen Ismail Sinar Shah (c. 1740-1805), commander of the Kota Kambulari royal army led mutinous troops in a campaign to destroy Mahazam in 1767, in the process deposing his father.

In 1801 he had the sultan of Mahazam poisoned and the British authorities decided to establish Mahazam as a vassal of Kota Kambular, fully losing its independence in 1827.

Ahmad Khen Sinar Shah was deposed in 1939 by his son Ahmad in an anti-British coup, but colonial troops led by the British ended the revolt shortly after and instead installed his brother, Anwar as sultan.